Choosing a kitchen

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As part of the whole house search, C and I started to look for a kitchen. If you think shopping for shoes is difficult, wait till you start shopping for a kitchen.

There are so many choices out there. From counter tops to door handles, brand of appliances to the exact model, type of sinks and shapes of taps, it is just endless. But I did learn a lot just by sitting down with one of the advisors from the shops.

For example, concrete counter tops scratch easily, microwave should always be above an oven f you want to stack them up, and you should put the kitchen in before you lay floor. And all have them have good reasons. The oven should be below the waist because the doors flat downwards and if they are too high, you will burn your arms while removing your cake from the oven. If you lay the kitchen on top of the floors, and if there is a serious leak, you have to remove the floors below the kitchen to fix the problem.

But no one ever tells you these kind of information. Some one should publish a "Kitchen 101" or "Choosing a kitchen for dummies". Anyway so here comes another weekend, another week of research.