Quiche with spinach, mushroom and ricotta

21:38 Unknown 0 Comments

After one week in Moscow, I am back at home for the weekend. Lucky for me, the weather is typical Amsterdam. Rainy and grey. We decided to stay in after a not so successful attempt to the furniture store.

So what is a good dinner for such weather? Something from the oven sounds very tempting. So I went to my faithful BBC Foods website and decided on quiche. I have never made quiche before so I had no clue how to make the pastry. I thought I would do with a ready-made pack, but I couldn't find any!  I am in one of the largest Albert Heijn in Gelderlandplein and they do not sell it. I asked my French friend where to get one from and she confirmed that they do not sell it in The Netherlands. Maybe that is an exaggeration but one would expect to find it easily in one of the largest supermarkets. Anyway I decided to make it from scratch.

Next item on the list was a round tin to hold the quiche. Believe it or not, I do not own a round a oven dish. After browsing through the selection at Cook & Co, I decided on a green plastic tin. I know! But there are actually many positives about this. You can use a knife to cut your quiche/cake or anything you put in it. You can also put it into the dishwasher. So at 17, this is not too much to ask.

Despite some minor setbacks, the quiche turned out really yummy. I was a little stressed while making it because unlike regular cooking, you can't taste it until the end. Also I made a calculation mistake with the ingredients, ending up with 300gm extra spinach. Guess what's for dinner for the next few days now.

Anyhow, I highly recommend this recipe if you are in a vegetarian mood.