House hunting makes you hungry

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Today we went house hunting. We decided to buy a place in Amsterdam and boy, those stairs can sure make you hungry. For those who don't know, apartments in The Netherlands used to be taxed according to the width of the apartment. So in the days, houses were build narrow, but deep. Not much considerations were also given to the staircases since they are not contributing to the useful square meters of an apartment. So all staircases in any apartments build in the previous centuries are narrow and steep. Sometimes you even have to go up sideways. If you wonder why they haven't changed it despite all the reconstruction, don't ask me.

Anyway this is not the point.

After climbing about 1250 Dutch steep and narrow steps, we got hungry. Our agent dropped us back at our car and we found ourselves standing in front of Foodies - a traiteur that we used to go to when I was living in De Pijp.

The concept is simple. Restaurant quality for take away. You can also eat there but it isn't ideal. The menu changes every day, but it is mostly international. They also offer a variety of desserts such as tiramisu, French cheese and cakes. To top it off they also have a good selection of wine. 

I must admit that it is a bit pricey for takeaway. Today we ordered 2 mains: schnitzel of veal cheeks and a beef stew. The schnitzel came with potato gratin as sides and we spend approximately €15. But it is worth it. I never had a disappointing meal whenever we take out from Foodies.

Anyway for those who live in De Pijp do check it out.

Foodies Catering Amsterdam
Tweede v/d Helststraat 17w
1073AE Amsterdam