Airplane food

00:21 Unknown 0 Comments

First day in NYC.

Can't wait to eat fresh bagels, have cheese cake at Carnegie Deli and try out many more restaurants. But before I get there, I have to vamp my frustrations about airline food.

Before you dismiss me you need to hear me out. I don't travel every week but I do take at least 20 flights a year and a mix of long haul and short trips. I always try to go for the respectable airlines instead of budget. I believe that paying for the service makes flying more pleasant.

So I get a meal, quite a delicious one in fact, but I have to eat with plastic cutlery out of disposable cups and bowls. It reminds me of those microwaveable meals you get from the supermarket where you have to puncture holes in before heating it up.

I am not naive. I understand that this is the effect of cost cutting, mass production for economies of scale etc. Some airlines even use safety as an excuse. Still, does it have to go this far? What happened to the total experience of flying as an experience? I remembered that about a decade ago, we were still served out of high quality plastic, reusable bowls and plates and metal cutlery. It might not be porcelain but at least it feels like someone took the effort to make flying more pleasurable. Arguably the reusable cutlery could be a more sustainable solution.

Anyway while writing this entry, I came across this site Once you take the photos out of context, don't you think it looks like food served from a college canteen?