Good Thai takeout in Amsterdam

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My friends and I decided to meet for dinner on Tuesday. But it was also the night of the World Cup 2014 Romania v.s. Netherlands qualification match. I decided to move the dinner to my house so that 2 men can watch the match and the 3 ladies can watch them trash-talk each other. Since I had to be in Eindhoven that day, I send my boyfriend to our favorite Thai place on the corner to get some food.

We like this Thai restaurant Khorat alot. It is not a very fancy place. There are only 7 tables on the inside and 2 on the outside. Most of the time, you end up smelling of what you eat. But the food is very delicious and the portions are huge. Usually we only order 2 mains, no starters and no dessert. For the quality and portion, it is value for money. Just to give you an idea, this time we ordered 3 starters, 1 salad, 4 mains for the grand total of €67. One important plus point is that the service is excellent. The staff are very friendly and food comes pretty quickly.

So these are my favorites:
Thod man (fish cakes)
Kha duk moe (spare ribs)
Kai ho bai teuj (BBQ chicken wrapped in banana leaves)
Neua phad phed thoea (Beef in red curry)
Plaa phad bai kra-prauw (Fried slice fish pieces with basil leaves and long beans)

Kai ho bai teuj

The fish is extremely spicy. And if I say that it is spicy, it is usually out there for most Europeans I know. You can also order from them online via Justeatin. Click on the link to look at their menu.

In case you want to know, Romania lost to The Netherlands (as expected). At least the food was good.