Green eggs no ham

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So here is part 2 of my spinach saga. What is better than green eggs for brunch to get rid of 300g of spinach?

When I just graduated, I waitress part time at a cafe Epicurious near Robertson Quay in Singapore. In my opinion, they are one of the best breakfast place on a weekend. Back then they had a wide array of breakfast food from ham and cheese toast for the kids to eggs Benedict for those craving for something more than just a regular omelet. Their green eggs and ham left a lasting impression on me. I am not sure if they still offer the same variety since I have not been there for the last 2 years. Still, it is a baby friendly, casual place to be for comfort food.

So at 11.30am I made my boyfriend go out in the rain (thank you dear)  to get me eggs while I attempt to make my own spinach pesto. I used a combination of fresh spinach, fresh basil, basil pesto, garlic, Parmesan and olive oil. I ran out of basil, that's why the basil pesto. Blend it all together in my faithful Philips. One tip is to add the olive oil a little at a time. You can make a big batch and save the rest for another day.

The rest was pretty straight forward. Fry some onions and fresh spinach together, pour in the eggs and let it set for a while. Add the spinach pesto and cook it as if you are making scrambled eggs. Salt and pepper to taste and voila! Green eggs without the ham.

It doesn't look good but it definitely taste good. I added some cherry tomatoes for aesthetics.