Albert Heijn Recipes

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Most of my friends know that I criticise Albert Heijn as much as I can. For someone who has ever lived in a proper city, Albert Heijn is more like a convenient store next to your place than a supermarket. They are small, they don't have much variety but you always run to them when you find out that you are out of milk or bread.

But I recently discovered that they also offer recipes. Next to the vegetables there is a little shelf with 4 or 5 cards. The cards are actually recipes which you are welcome to take with you. The best part is that whatever is printed on those cards as ingredients can be found in Albert Heijn. No more guessing what it is called in Dutch or wondering if they even stock it. And since this is Albert Heijn, they even tell you how much all the ingredients will cost.

Well today we tried one which is called tuna and basil pasta and it turned out really good. Something about it that made it feel very fresh. Anyway here is the recipe. Sorry guys I didn't take any photos.

For four:
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, 1 chopped and the other crushed
2 red paprika (can also be yellow), sliced
2 cans of tuna in olive oil (130g)
2 lemon, squeezed
A bunch of Basil leaves, chopped
Pasta of your choice but preferably Penne or Fusili

  1. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the pack
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan and stir fry the onions, chopped garlic.
  3. Add the paprika and add 50ml of water and cook until the paprika is soft. Remove from heat.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the tuna along with olive oil from the can with the crushed garlic, lemon juice and basil leaves.
  5. Once the pasta is done, drain it and combine with the tuna mix.
  6. Serve the pasta onto plates and add the cooked paprika and onions on the top.

I am not sure if it is at the same location in every AH but if you have no idea what to cook, these little cards do give some inspiration.