Usefulness of butter other than cooking

00:28 Unknown 1 Comments

Well I know my blog is about food, but I thought this deserves to be shared. A while ago, my boyfriend was really sweet and painted the frame of my cheap Ikea mirror red to match the rest of our furniture. So he started on the task with the paint and everything, but had forgotten to buy some of gloves or paint removal.

So after 10 minutes with the brush, he found his hands smudged with paint as if he just killed someone. Without knowing where to get paint removal at 6.30pm on a Sunday, I turned to google and guess what, butter!

So as I found out, butter is not just an ingredient for cooking and baking, it is also a natural method to remove oil based paint from your skin. Just massage a little bit of butter onto the dried paint and wash it off!

The lesson is always keep some butter in your fridge. It comes in handy in many ways.


CaThY said...

Wow, amazing! I have lotsa butter @ home ;P