Lekker Raw

23:38 Unknown 0 Comments

That was the name of the caterer at the 10th anniversary celebrations of Fair Food International yesterday night.

The idea behind Lekker Raw is the same as what's known as the Raw Food Movement. Followers of the movement believe that food heated above 40 °C looses most of their nutritional value. As such they maintain a diet of mostly fruit, vegies, nuts, seeds, legumes, seaweed, dried fruit, juices (if freshly made) and mineral water. But after reading a couple of articles online it is much more.

It's true that preparing such food for a meal do not take a lot of time. Salad, for example, takes only a couple of minutes. However to bring it to a level of taste that you expect or enjoy is another thing. Besides, how many days of salad with olive oil can you take?

In addition, there are so many controversies around this topic. Some components of fruit and vegetables are better absorbed if cooked — such as lycopene in tomatoes, which has been shown to be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer in men.

Anyway I tried the food and I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it could be. It was a dip of guacamole, quinoa on a cracker made from hemp seeds. However I am not sure if I will ever become a follower in the long run. But if you are interested, this is the website to a site with many recipes and ideas.
