What do you eat when you are sick?

00:47 Unknown 0 Comments

My friend told me she got the flu and I wanted to advise her what to eat but I kept my mouth shut because I don't think everyone likes my remedy.

When I am sick, I like to eat something warm. A hot bowl of porridge. Not the english porridge made from barley but rice porridge. Just put excessive water into a pot with the right portion of long grain rice and boil. Before you take it off the stove, you crack an egg in and mix it into the porridge. It makes the porridge taste a little better and it is gentle on your tummy.

Like I said, I am quite sure not everyone will agree with me on this one. But something warm in your tummy is definitely good. And if you are sick, do yourself a favour and just drink hot water? Not tea, not coffee, just plain old hot water. The last thing your body needs is another additional dehydrant. I know it sounds strange but it really helps.

Get well soon!